Thursday, July 31, 2014

Back to School Sale!

The BIG Back to School SALE for 2014 has been set!!  TPT is offering a bonus discount when you shop using the promo code BTS14 on August 4-5.  Morning Work, Literacy Centers, Alphabet Mats, RTI Data Collection - it's ALL going to be on SALE so mark your calendars!  Click the picture below to head on over to TPT to get your wishlists ready!!

Friday, July 18, 2014

Teachable Moments

Photo courtesy of Microsoft Clip Art.

Like most teachers, my husband and I try to schedule any routine doctor’s appointments in the summer so we can avoid using our sick days during the school year.  I’ve always said that my sick days are not truly for me anymore – nowadays they are spent with Jackson when he gets sick.  So the more days I can save, the better. 

This week, we all made our way to the dentist for our routine cleanings and check-ups.  Nothing spectacular, right?  Not for us at least.  But to my four year old, going to the dentist is quite a theatrical performance because it's still somewhat new to him.  And pediatric dentists pull out all the stops, don't they?!  From elaborate murals on the walls to the fun made up names for the utensils - it's quite a show!  For my little guy, his favorite part this time was getting to pick out his new tooth brush.  He “oohed” and  “ahhed” over the selection before finally choosing one with Lightning McQueen on the front.  While he was getting settled in the chair the dental hygienist threw the toothbrush, a tube of paste, and some floss in a bag and set it on the counter. After she zipped through the cleaning and the doctor gave him a clean bill of health, we went home.  It was a pretty uneventful trip, until Jackson stumbled onto the floss that they threw in with his Lightning McQueen toothbrush.    

It was hours later when it happened. My son remembered his new toothbrush, found the little bag and dumped it on the floor (because everyone knows that was the fastest way he could get it out!).  He scooped Lightning McQueen up in one hand and the floss in the other.  "What's this?" he asked.  At that exact moment, I had two choices: dismiss his innocent question and usher him to the toy room so I could have a few moments of quiet or take the time to explain to him what he had discovered.  I'll be honest, after a day at the dentist and a trip to the grocery store I was really tempted to just dismiss his question.  But that little teacher voice in my head screamed, "This is a teachable moment!!!"  So I sighed, took the floss and my son to the bathroom and we spent the next 20 minutes talking about floss.  What it is. What it does.  How we use it.  Why we use it.  He really had some good questions and I’m glad I took the time to let him ask them – even though I was beyond ready for a break.    

Kids are always full of good questions - we just have to take the time to listen and answer them in the moment.  If you catch their curiosity in the moment then you have an opportunity to teach them when they are genuinely engaged and interested.  When the moment has passed, their enthusiasm will normally pass with it so take advantage of the moment.  

Those teachable moments are priceless - both at home and in the classroom.  Don't be afraid to scrap the lesson plan (you know, that plan you spent hours perfecting?!) to take advantage of the teachable moments when learning is truly authentic.  And never forget that your little ones are learning everything for the first time - what is old and monotonous for us is new and exciting for them.  Like floss…which in my house is now the coolest thing since sliced bread.    :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Fry's 3rd 100 Sight Words

After a restful few weeks with my family, it's time to start thinking school again (let's be honest, it's always on my mind anyway!).  Right now I'm working on the rest of Fry's Sight Word pages and I'm eventually going to make a set or two for the Dolch lists.  Fry's list alone is 1000 words.  1000 words, people!  That's a LOT of pages to create but I know they are helpful in teaching our little ones those basic, most frequently used words so I'm working feverishly to get them ready before the new school year begins.     

Click on the image to see the last set that I uploaded to my TPT contains 100 pages!  You can download a FREE page on TPT!

Now I'm off to make a few more.  Like, 700 more..............  :)